The Lomographic Society (an Austrian toy camera and analog film enthusiast manufacturing company) creates some fun films, and I decided to return to their Lomochrome Purple emulsion in 35mm format, after enjoying some from an early batch in a medium format camera. The film has a range of sensitivity, so you can shoot it anywhere from ISO 100 – 400. I decided to shot a couple rolls at ISO 200 this time.
The images I’m sharing here are the LEAST PURPLE of the purple images. Why share the least purple? The most purple are… a bit much. Especially when I shoot foliage with this false-color-infrared-like film. They are GRAPE. SO GRAPE. So very grape that you may lose your appetite. I’ll share a non-foliage extra-purple image near the end, so you can get a sense of what I mean. (The last image was similar until I desaturated it, but still isn’t what I was hoping for.)
I believe I shot the prior version of this emulsion at ISO 100 in the past, but the new version really pumps up the violet! I plan to shoot my next roll at ISO 400, to see if I can get the red images that I prefer from this set.